The final session I have to report on from the 2014 GAFE summit will be on a session entitled Collaboration with Google Drive, by Andrea Jones of Franklin Middle School in Fairfax
County. This report may take me several postings.
As the title suggests, this session dealt with practical tips and understandings helpful in using the sharing capacities of Google Drive. After reviewing my session notes, I am left wishing I had done so before we set up the lesson plan folders. I’ll try to use what Andrea said, as well as what I learned from my own mistakes efforts, to come up some suggestions which may be helpful to you. Some of this information was also covered in Melissa’s entry “The Ultimate Workflow.”
The first thing I learned from this session, was rather tangential to the session itself, but, very useful nevertheless. It was in regard to the website This site is the “Google URL Shortener”. Have you ever had one of those long web addresses that would just be too complicated to try and give to all your students? One solution (there are others) is to go to and enter the long address, then click on “shorten” and Google will give you a shorter (though case sensitive) address that will be much easier to have your students type in to their browsers. In addition, if you have a Google account, or establish one with, you can have do analytic analysis of the page for which you pasted in the address. That is, it will keep track of how many clicks that page gets, what countries, browsers, and operating systems they came from, as well as what search engines may have referred the user to the site. Similarly, allows you to shorten a URL giving it a custom name such as
We haven't yet started in on the main subject of this review, however I think I'll quit here and plan to get to it in part two--after Christmas break. Speaking of which, have a very Merry Christmas and a relaxing winter break.
We haven't yet started in on the main subject of this review, however I think I'll quit here and plan to get to it in part two--after Christmas break. Speaking of which, have a very Merry Christmas and a relaxing winter break.